
ECWF World Tag Team Championship


This is the current look for the belt

This is Extreme Championship Wrestling Federation World Tag Team Championship. It was established back in 2002!

As of 2018, it now a 2 men, man & woman, and 2 women team can challenge for the World Tag Team Championships.

Title Reigns[]


Murdoc & Angel Lionhart


2 Dope & Psycho in ECWF

Champions Notes
The Famous Ass Kickers (Ring Master & Kenny Famous)
The Lionhart Foundation (Murdoc Lionhart & Zoom)
Jemma Taylor & Big Sexy First Intergender team to win it
Rock N' Roll God & Dan Prosser
Team Extreme (Murdoc Lionhart & Angel Lionhart)
V2 & V3
The Lionhart Foundation (Zoom & Bo Bo)
James Hill & Danny LeFave
The Lionhart Foundation (Murdoc Lionhart & Zoom)
Da Gangstas (Bo Bo & Mr. Moe)
High Def (Danny LeFave & Crow)
Da Gangstas (Mr. Moe & Braska Lionhart)
Kid Extreme & Trippy T
La Reina & Danny LeFave
The Darkside (Mr. Evil & B-Squared)
The Enforcers (Don Summer & Bill Summer)
Kyle Johnson & Angelous
Los Lopez (Rey Lopez & Eddie Lopez)
The Enforcers (Don Summer & Bill Summer)(2)
Blaine Edwards & Blake Selters
ECWF shut down
Shock & Awe (Marcus Cage & Dynamite)
Team Epic (Mark Frenzy & Chris Frenzy)
Dark Carnival (2 Dope & Psycho)
The Dawg Pound (K Dawg & R Dawg)
Raptor & Scorpion
The Dark Girls (Dangerous Deanna & Lucy Wiliams) First female team to win it
Team KMK (Triple X & Squirrel)
The MasterBation Nation (Wilmer Patacky & Jerry Mazy)
The Revolution (Ray LaPointe & Bill Ryder) They merged with ECWF Tag Team titles to make the Global Tag Team titles
Belts were retired
The Dragon Slayers (Sam Steele & Mike Shaw) Defeated Freddy Funk & Chris Frenzy at Revolution #119
The Naturalists (Jack Phillips & Jake Saxton)
#Greatness (Matt Frenzy & William Frenzy) Jack & Jake left the company and handed the belts to them.
Matt and William vacates the titles.
The Dragon Slayers (Sam Steele & Mike Shaw)(2) RNRG awards them the belts at Chamber of Horrors PPV
Badd Breed (Erik Holland & Tiami Erickson) 2nd intergender tag team - won at Destiny 2018
The Steeles (Jacob Steele & Courtney Steele) Wrestlefest 2018
The Dark Society (Mr. B & Jeff Williams) Devil's Night 2018
The Age of Fall (Jay Reynolds & Ken Hazzard) First televised show on Mixer Revolution #146
The UnDead Army (Syko & Alina Bullard)
The Age of The Fall (Jay Reynolds & Ken Hazzard)(2)
The Dragon Clan (Eric Donavan & Lyra LeVeux-Donavan)
The UnKnown Fear
The Cult of Carnivore (Daniel Dream & Poseidon)
Venom (Sammeal McBane & Apocalypse)

Most Reigns[]

here is a list of people and teams that have held the belts more than once.

Names Reigns
Danny LeFave 3
Bo Bo 2
Mr. Moe 2
2 Dope/Syko 2
Murdoc Lionhart & Zoom 2
Don Summer & Bill Summer 2
Samuel Steele & Michael Shaw 2
Jay Reynolds & Ken Hazzard 2

Relationship Teams[]

People Status
Jemma Taylor & BIg Sexy GF & BF
LaReina & Danny LeFave Wife & Husband
Tiami Erickson & Erick Holland GF & BF
Courtney Steele & Jacob Steele Wife & Husband
Alina Bullard & Syko Wife & Husband

Brother Teams[]

Mudoc & Angel Lionhart
Will & Matt Frenzy
Chris & Mark Frenzy
Eddie & Rey Lopez
Fat Foley Version 2.0 & 3.0
K & R Dawg
2 Dope & Psycho
Bill & Don Summer